
Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Future Looks So Good...

Particularly for believers in Christ, because we know the final life score, it’s 1 to 0; we win! Though it sometimes seems the enemy scores, it didn’t count; it was a foul.

We are not to play life to win. We can live well because we’ve already won. For that reason, our focus and drive should not be by a load of religious obligation and fear, but by the celebration that awaits us. In Romans 8, Paul the apostle lays this out clearly.

Our next term in Brazil looks so good. After this five-year term, Vicki and I will be in the States this Fall for four months to report to our support base. We are looking forward to seeing and chatting with many of you.

We have set the direction and laid foundations for our next term which will start January 2018:

1. Our involvement in the Vila Church will be in training church leaders to train more leaders within our congregation. Because of recent numerical growth, the church has a high percentage of new believers who need guidance in their new life in Christ.

Vicki's  work station

2. Vicki will take her coaching and speaking ministries to the next level which involves more education. Using Biblical concepts, she guides and encourages groups, couples, and individuals to develop their God-given purpose for living a satisfying life. She plans to continue Voice Lessons to use her singing both at church and in speaking.

Tim spoke to leaders at this 3 day men's event 

Construction starts in the town of Ouricuri

3. I will be involved in building three more  congregational church buildings in the backlands and two parsonages. Next year, a major addition on our church’s auditorium and new classrooms will occupy much of my construction time. Much like this past term, I will have opportunities to speak at men’s’ events, couples´ retreats, as well as, preaching. Vicki will continue to expand her outreach to those that want encouragement and direction.

So, yes the future does look really good!

Because of Grace, Tim Reiner

              Baptist Mid-Missions . P.O. Box 308011- Cleveland, OH 44130-8011 USA (440)826-3930
            Baptist Mid-Missions of Canada 110 Garnet St. North - Regina, SK S4R 3S5 (306)775-2001

Monday, January 9, 2017

Are We Almost There Yet?

Remember when you were a child riding in the back seat of your parents’ car on what seemed like a never-ending trip? Nothing to do except poke your sibling or keep asking, “Are we almost there yet?” You kept repeating that question until your dad said, “If you ask that one more time, I’m going to stop the car and...” Soon another feeling would overwhelm you and another phrase was uttered over and over again, “I’m bored”, until that was no longer allowed.

Variety can challenge us and make our lives more exciting. Missionary life by nature is diverse because of the cultures, languages, idioms, and local customs. For those of us near the equator, December celebrations are spiced with temperatures that stay in the low 100’s F for weeks, while our supporters back in the States shovel snow.

During 2016, for both Vicki and me, boredom was not in our vocabulary. She ventured out further than she has ever gone not only in her formal education, but also in helping those who struggle in life or were stuck in a holding pattern not knowing how or where to land safely. In her recent preparation for lectures, on communication, given at a state university, she was insightful and inspiring. 2016 gave Vicki and me a variety of opportunities to speak to married couples in hotel hideaway atmospheres. These were far from boring as many discovered they weren´t alone in trying, at times, to make sense of matrimony.

Never in our 40 years of missionary ministry, have we been involved in a developing church that is drawing such a variety of folks into her congregation to better know Christ. At one end of our spectrum, we have believers who are doctors working on their PhDs, psychologists, banking professionals, and university professors. Jumping over to the other end of this comparative gamut are those who can’t find a job, struck down by poverty, and homeless, feeling hopeless. All are drawn to meet in praise, worship, and the preaching from Scripture. When I speak to our congregation, I see the expressions on their faces. It brings a mix of joy and sadness knowing that some can defend their hope within (I Peter 3:15) while others continue searching in places where they will not find it.

Monotony was not felt at any time while working construction on three building projects. Each job site had something new and different. With fresh excitement, I made friendships for a lifetime with our Christian brethren in novel interior towns as their simple church buildings were built with innovative concrete and steel re-rod calculations. The most outstanding “something new” was the conversion of one of our bricklayers. At the end of the six-month construction, Silvio, his wife, and their two children began attending our church. Their thirst for and understanding of the Gospel is captivating! And then throughout the next months, each member of Silvio’s family publicly shared his or her trust in Christ!  

So… are we bored? Nope! Are we almost there yet? Nope. Hang tight; we’ve a ways to go!

                                                                                                                          by Tim Reiner

                                                       Tim and Vicki Reiner
Baptist Mid-Missions . P.O. Box 308011 . Cleveland, OH 44130-8011 USA . (440)8263930
Baptist Mid-Missions of Canada . 110 Garnet St. North . Regina, SK S4R 3S5 . (306)775-2001