
Monday, August 9, 2021

It Is Happening!


                  Guy Time at the Family Retreat Center

                    Family Time at the Retreat Center

     Vila Church Meeting after over a year of covid restrictions.

Often, there is a sense of fear and uncertainty when you venture out on a new project, a new job, a new ministry, or a new relationship. Fear and peace are emotions that often control many of our decisions. Sometimes these feelings have rational bases, other times they misguide us in poor directions. As a student pilot, I learned early in our training that direction (heading) determines if you get to your destination safely or crash and burn. Sounds simple but at times it’s not. As you attend ground school and fly, you also learn that your compass heading must change due to variables such as weather, magnetic deviation, ATC communication, and other factors such as assigned vectors.  

 Three years ago when the idea of building a Retreat Center for families and young people started to become a possibility, fear was present. Fear that the idea may not be embraced by our local church fellowship, fear that limited funds would not suffice, and a concern that this project would not be sustained by qualified folks that follow. Though we control far less than we may realize, stability in mission projects has often been a concern.

 Not only is the first phase of the Family Retreat Center (in Portuguese O Recanto) almost complete and functioning, but it has created an interest among the brethren of our local churches to invest. More than twenty Christian businesspeople and church families have purchased lots near and around the Retreat Center from the land developer. These believers not only want their own personal “get-a-way” for sport fishing, the beaches and relaxation, but a desire to have access to Bible preaching and teaching events held at the Center… how cool is that? Now with some ease from covid fears and politics, the installations are being used every month. So, yes it is happening!           

For over a year Christian brethren in our city of Petrolina, have not been permitted to gather normally in person due to government restrictions and pandemic worries. Most of us have become saturated with online school, online church, online preachers, online relationships, online shopping, online work, texting cyber people, and watching old movies on YouTube.

 As human bearers of God’s image, we can only grow normally in loving relationships where there is healthy physical and visual contact. As a prodigal child being hugged by his father (Luke 15:20), Peter being moved by the stern and loving eye contact of Jesus (Luke 2:61), kissing whether romantic (Song of Salomon 1:2) or as a friendly greeting (II Corinthians 13:12), Jesus taking little children in his arms (Mark 10:16), to mention a few of the many Biblical examples showing the power of physical presence. To touch, to be hugged, to sense a loving friend’s physical presents, can be a part of being “touched” by God through Jesus.

 So, when we physically gathered together as a church family in the Vila Baptist auditorium a few weeks ago, It was amazing to preach once again to the heart while looking into their eyes… and yes, we snuck in some of hugs…slowly the return is happening!

 Because the US Postal Service has suspended international mail from Brazil for over a year now, many no longer can receive hardcopy mailed ministry updates. Emails, apps, and phone calls have become the only way to communicate from distance.

 So… from my electronic devise to yours, thank you for your support, for praying, and for your emails of encouragement.

Grace then peace, Tim Reiner                           

 Baptist Mid-Missions Celebrating 100 Years! | 440-826-3930