We’ve been going together for over four decades and
still have lots to do and talk about. Our journey together started in the early
70’s, she as a lovely young adult and I, well... young, but not so adult. The maturity
gap continues to this day but it is closing.
When we knew we were to marry it seemed that those would
be the most important days of our lives. I remember the love songs, the eight-track
tape player, the dates, falling in and out of love, and the muscle cars, as if it was
yesterday once more. Now, well into
our journeys, it becomes ever clearer that the last chapters of our life
together are far more important than the first. What really counts is we finish
Vicki has been the single most influential person for
good in my life. Her commitment to Christ, truth, and our children has often
been challenged by her personal struggles, a husband often too busy ministering
to others, sleepless nights, and hours alone before God asking the tough
questions that so often I tried to sweep away theologically.
It seems so trite to use the worn out phrase, “I
married up,” probably used in some Marriage Manual 101 on how to be a good
husband. I don’t know how else to put it, I really did. As Vicki has developed her
intense focus on her skills, God-given talents, Spirit-driven gifts, and self-discipline,
I believe the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 has some firm competition.
We are long-time missionaries in this developing
country exposing people to the Gospel. Occasionally, we go back to the United
States to report to our support partners and churches. Two of Vicki’s most
pleasant memories are when we were with a church in central New York. Usually
missionary men are front and center at mission conferences. At this church, as
part of the Sunday program, the missions’ chairman, who had visited us in
Brazil, asked Vicki to come to the front by herself where she was publically
given the credit she so deserves, along with a lovely red rose. She will never
forget that, nor should she.
Health and eating vegetables are an absolute with
Vicki, yet unconditionally she lets me be a carnivore. If she ever required me
to eat salads, well… I would, and somehow fall back on the biblical teaching
that it is better to eat a bowl of vegetables with someone you love than a
steak with someone you hate (Proverbs 15:17).
After caring, teaching and guiding our children in our
home, Vicki went back to school to finish her college degree and then on to complete
her Master’s in Human Services Counseling. Recognition was given her for a 4.0
grade-point average. Today, she continues her studies in counseling and life
purpose coaching.
Vicki is soon to launch her new website which will
allow her to partner with women and teen girls helping them focus on their life
purpose in Christ.
So, there you have it... a glimpse
of my wife Vicki.
If interested in supporting Tim & Vicki Reiner, please contact
If interested in supporting Tim & Vicki Reiner, please contact
Baptist Mid-Missions
P.O. Box 308011
Cleveland, OH 44130-8011 USA
Baptist Mid-Missions of Canada
110 Garnet St. North
Regina, SK S4R 3S5
In a far place Blog by Tim & Vicki Reiner is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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