
Friday, May 27, 2016

The Poor Helping The Poorest, Now That's Rich!

Can you imagine the minimum hourly wage being $1.30 in today’s American political climate of easy promises guaranteeing $15.00 an hour? In our part of Brazil, believers in Christ and their churches are financially poor compared to our counterparts in the United States. The average income of working Christians in our Brazilian church, though above the country’s minimum hourly wage of $1.30, is still under US$5,000 annually. Most are forced to be minimalists.

 Today our fellowship of churches in our area of Brazil, receives very little outside financial help. They pay their bills on time, support their pastors, maintain and expand their buildings, plus now something new, giving more and more funds and personnel to mission projects abroad. The recent focus has been Mozambique, Africa, one of the poorest countries in the world where minimum wage is approximately 55¢ an hour.

Beira, Mozambique - Africa
Brazilian pastor Valdir Ligo, from the church that Vicki and I are involved with, is now in Mozambique for two weeks training a group of 35 pastors from this remote Portuguese speaking African country. Many hours a day, he is teaching New Testament Bible courses. Next month, having received food for their body and soul, these poorest of men will return to their congregation scattered throughout that destitute land.

Pastor Valdir preached to the Manga Congregation

This is remarkable! God using the poor to help the poorest by giving and teaching the wealth of His Kingdom, now that is rich!                                by tim reiner  

If you would like to support our ministries,
please contact:  

Baptist Mid-Missions P.O. Box 308011Cleveland, OH 44130-8011 USA(440) 826-3930
 Baptist Mid-Missions of Canada110 Garnet St. NorthRegina, SK S4R 3S5(306) 775-2001


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