
Saturday, August 3, 2019

Concrete And People

A Vision Follow-Up                                             by tim reiner

A year ago, I shared with you a Vision which now is shared by many (see August 2018 post). It is exhilarating to see this project develop into concrete and people. To be a part of what is temporary and what is eternal is why God placed Vicki and me in this part of the world. To create programs, events, and buildings, are all short-term. To invest in people with the Gospel of Christ is everlasting.

 “While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” II Corinthians 4:18
Fourth blown tire this year
Four days a week, between my weekend preaching and teaching schedule, I am hauling construction material 60 miles upriver to our new Retreat Center called Recanto Do Tesouro. Once we leave the asphalt highway, the dirt roads are brutal causing excessive wear and tear on vehicle and trailer. We have experienced: blown tires, bent wheels, bent axles and broken wheel bearings.

Concrete and People
One evening, returning home after a full workday on construction, I looked in the pick-up’s rear-view mirrors and noticed that the trailer that had been hitched on back at the building site, was gone! We did eventually find it miles back-flipped in the middle of the road.

Many of our friends and supporting churches in the States, as well as, our Christians and friends here are now partnering with us in this endeavor. Tons of building materials have been hauled out to this remote property in the bush. With no electrical power in the area, we purchased generators to operate the power tools and cement mixer. I am now also installing solar panels for all our present and future LED lighting.

We are blessed to be surrounded by so much wildlife such as a large array of birds, red-legged seriemas (in Latin - cariama cristata ), burrowing owls, and for an occasional adrenaline rush, my favorite…boa  constrictors.
Ready for the tile roof

First of 5 chalets almost complete
Although we are far from completing the construction of this Family Conference Center, it is already being used on a limited basis by our area churches, pastors, and their families.
Father’s Day in Brazil is a few weeks away. Only the dads and their children from the Vila Eduardo Church, where Vicki and I work, will be spending the day at the Retreat Center. The primary purpose of this event is to teach and motivate dads to lead their children toward Christ’s teaching in purposeful, practical ways. That evening, we will all be back with our church to listen to these fathers give testimony of what they taught and what they learned from their children.

Many of you have written e-notes and posts of encouragement. Thank you so much for fueling our enthusiasm as we serve in Northeast Brazil.

Baptist Mid-Missions * PO Box 308011* Cleveland, OH 44130-8011
E-mail: * Phone: 440-826-3930
Business hours: M-F 8:00 am-4:20 pm Eastern Time 

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